X8 Assorted Free South American Cichlids Live *Share And Receive Free*
$ 0.01
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3. We will add this package on to your order for FREE.
**This package will only be added if the rules above are followed. If any questions, please email us at Support@YourFishStore.com
*We will issue you a refund back for the penny add-on after the order is shipped out.
*Must be combined with an existing livestock order
They will be scooped out our holding tanks. We cannot guarantee we will be able to scoop ALL different types, but we will try to get a good variety.
This package is for x8 Assorted South American Cichlids FRY / Approx 1"-2" EACH
Possible Random Selection that may be included when we scoop them out of holding tub:

Jack Dempsey Cichlid
Blue Acara Cichlid
Keyhole Cichlid
Green Severum Cichlid
German Blue Ram Cichlid
Peacock Bass Cichlid
Dovii Cichlid
Green Terror Cichlid
Apistogramma Pucallpaensis Cichlid
Thorichthys Ellioti Cichlid
Blue Kribensis Cichlid
Golden Dwarf Acara Cichlid
Vieja Argentea Cichlid
Chocolate Cichlid
Zebra Pike Cichlid
Neetroplus Nematopus Cichlid
Geophagus Altifrons Cichlid
Jewel Cichlid
Gold Severum Cichlid
Acarichthys Heckelii Cichlid
Texas Cichlid
Kribensis Cichlid
Pink Convict Cichlid
Geophagus Jurupari Cichlid
Sajica Cichlid
Krobia Itanyi Cichlid
Rainbow Cichlid
Firemouth Meeki Cichlid
Checkerboard Cichlid
Aequidens Diadema Cichlid
Longfin Gold Ram Cichlid
Paratilapia Bleekeri Cichlid
Vieja Argentea Cichlid
Bolivian Ram Cichlid
Electric Blue Ram Cichlid
Geophagus Brasiliensis Cichlid
Fire Red Apisto. Agassizi Cichlid
Herichthys Bocourti Cichlid
Black Convict Cichlid
Blonde Honduran Red Point Convict Cichlid
Albino Kyoga Red Xystichromis sp. Cichlid
Apistogramma Erythrura Cichlid
Balloon Blue Ram Cichlid
Balloon Electric Blue Ram Cichlid
Bandit Cichlid
Double Red Apisto Cacatouides Cichlid
Electric Blue Acara
Geophagus sp. Rio Negro Cichlid
South American cichlids are attractive, active, are generally quite durable fish. They are found in a range of sizes and with some very beautiful coloration.
Their behaviors are very intriguing, and many interact with their keepers and their environment making them favorite aquarium fish for many hobbyists.
Cichlids are found around the globe, in the Americas, Africa and parts of Asia. The “type specimen” for the cichlid family is the South American cichlid Cichla ocellaris, commonly known as the Peacock Bass or Peacock Cichlid. Thus the American cichlids are sometimes referred to as the “true cichlids” though all species are actually true cichlids.
The South American Cichlids or New World Cichlids are those found primarily in Central and South America, with a number of species native to Mexico, and the Texas Cichlid found in the southern part of North America. The actual number of cichlid species is unknown but estimated at more than 2000, with at least 1300 species scientifically described. South American Cichlids and Central American Cichlids are estimated at about 570 species.
They are categorized as "secondary freshwater fish" - meaning their ancestors were marine fish. It is believed that cichlids moved to freshwaters from the marine environment, and they have features relating to a number of marine species including the damsels, wrasses, parrot fish, and surfperches. This helps to explain why many species can do well in salty water, and in fact some species extend their range into parts of the ocean.
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Is there a minimum to how many fishes have to be in the existing order to qualify for the 8 free mix with Facebook pot/tag?
Hello, This package is no minimum. You would need to share YourFishStore.com on your FB and send us the shared link and we will add this free package for you to your order.