X1 Vlamingi Tang Sml/Med 1" - 2" - X1 Yellow Tang Sml/Med 1"-2

This package includes
Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 8"
Color Form: Yellow
Diet: Herbivore
The Yellow Tang fish will brighten up any reef or fish-only tank. This saltwater fish is a member of family Acanthuridae and has a beautiful oval shaped body possessing a single pastel-like yellow color along with long continuous dorsal, anal fins and crescent tailfins. It has sharp white razor spur near the tail, which it uses during fights and also to establish itself over other fishes. Known as an active swimmer, it will glide through the aquarium eating algae simultaneously and at night it beds down on the reefs or live rocks. Fairly resistant to diseases, the Yellow Tang is relatively easy to care for. It can be housed in groups of 3 or more as a shoal, or singly. This fish should be kept in an aquarium with at least 30 gallons of water and good room for swimming. It is highly recommended to have only one Tang to minimize aggression in the aquarium. Adult males tend to be larger than females and with its long snout-like mouth it can easily feed on algae and seaweeds that suffocate corals. The Yellow Tang has a sharp spine located near its tail, which it uses for protection. The Yellow Tang will surely draw attention to your home tank. As a matter of fact, this fish is among the most popular of all marine fish. The Yellow Tang is very active and loves to swim all over with curiosity. It is peace loving and non-aggressive when kept with dissimilar species.
Though most common to the reefs of Hawaii, the Yellow Hawaiian Tang's natural habitat is actually widespread throughout Indonesia and the Great Barrier Reef. The Yellow Hawaiian Tang is also known as the Yellow Sailfin Tang or Yellow Surgeonfish. For best care, it should be housed in an aquarium of at least 100 gallons with ample room to swim. Like other Tangs, this member of the Acanthuridae family demonstrates territorial aggression towards its own species, or Tangs in general. Therefore, it is best to keep just one Yellow Hawaiian Tang per aquarium, unless multiple Yellow Hawaiian Tangs are introduced into the system simultaneously.
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