X1 Strawberry & Blueberry Arowana Package- Freshwater

X1 Strawberry & Blueberry Arowana Package- Freshwater
Approx 3-5" Each
*This package includes 1 Strawberry Arowana and 1 Blueberry Arowana
A well-balanced Arowana diet consists of:
Provide pellets designed for surface feeding carnivorous fish.
Live or frozen fish and insects, krill, worms and shrimp.
Avoid insects or inverts with sharp or very hard shells for juvenile Arowanas.
Things to remember when feeding your arowana:
These fish are surface feeders often gliding just below the water surface.
Feed young fish 2-3 times a day, adults once a day; feed only what they can eat in 1 to 2 minutes.
Thaw frozen foods before feeding.
Keep in an appropriately sized aquarium; the arowana is a surface-swimming fish, so width and length of the tank are more important than height. Arowanas are avid jumpers, so be sure to have a tight-fitting aquarium hood. Arowanas are more sensitive to nitrites than other fish, so provide proper filtration and perform 10 to 20% water changes as needed.
Stable water quality and parameters are critical to the health of aquatic life. If you are unsure of your water quality, Petco provides free water testing.
Arowana have mandibular barbels or whiskers that are used to sense movement on the water surface.
Known for jumping out of tanks that do not have a secure top; in the wild Arowanas will jump out of the water to grab prey.
Habitat Maintenance
Daily: check filter, water temperature and other equipment.
Weekly: check water quality at least once a week.
Monthly: change 10 to 20% of the total volume of water every week if necessary. Otherwise, change 25% of the total volume of water every 2 to 4 weeks.
Adult Arowanas are best kept alone, because of their size and requirements. If housed with other tank mates they must be large enough not to be swallowed whole by the Arowana and must not occupy the upper section of the tank. Most bottom dwellers are tolerated; other aggressive fish may ruin the long flowing fins of the Arowana.

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i live in chandler,Arizona usa . If I want to buy X1 Strawberry & Blueberry Arowana Package- Freshwater.How can I get it?
Hello, Thank you for contacting YFS. If you would like to place your order we will ship it out to you and have it arrive to you on thurs am
do the arowanas come as a youth or adult? im am new to owning a fish and always wanted to own a arowana. i have a tank but i dont know if it is big enough as well. what is a proper sized tank to own one or better yet 2 for a package?
Hello, These are young adults. Most of the stock we have are about 4-6" each. They are beautiful. We would recommend a decent size tank. Probably over 100+ for these two but you will need a bigger tank as they grow.