Fish & Plant Packages

Fish & Live Plant Package. All packages in this category include hand-picked assorted live plants. Live aquarium plants will create MORE NATURAL LOOK in your fish tank, simultaneously providing MORE OXYGEN, BIOLOGICAL FILTRATION, ALGAE CONTROL and more!
Just like in nature, where many different species are coexisting, the most beautiful and natural looking freshwater tanks are those with different plant kinds. Make your new or established tank BEAUTIFUL RIGHT AWAY!
x10 Assorted Plants / x10 Assorted Mystery Snails Package $ 112.53
X40 Guppy Package Fish Live Tropical Community Mix + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - *Bulk Save $ 179.54
x6 Assorted Haplochromis Cichlids Lrg 4-6" Each Package + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - *Bulk Save $ 403.54
X50 Cardinal Tetra Fish - 1" - 2" Each + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater Fish $ 238.54
X10 Bumblebee Catfish Sml/Med 1" - 2" Each + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater Fish $ 142.54
X10 Creamsicle Molly Fish Sml/Med 1" - 2" Each + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater Fish $ 167.53
X3 Ballon Electric Blue Ram Cichlids - 1" - 2" Each + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater $ 154.53
X12 Upside Down Catfish 1" - 2" Each + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Fresh Water $ 143.54
X4 Electric Blue Acara Cichlids 1" - 2" Each + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater Fish $ 142.54
X8 Assorted Fancy Angel Fish + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Live Freshwater $ 167.54
X10 Gold Severum Cichlids Sml/Med 1" - 2" Each + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants -Freshwater Fish $ 165.53
X10 Julii Corydoras Sml/Med 1" - 2" Each + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater Fish $ 139.53
X10 Silver Lyretail Molly Sml/Med 1" - 2" +x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater Fish Free Shipping $ 150.53
X10 Tangerine Lyretail Molly Sml/Med 1" - 2"+x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater Fish Free Shipping $ 150.53
X10 Tiger Barb Fish + x10 Assorted Plants - Package $ 154.53
X4 African Cichlid Assorted Large 4"- 5" + x10 Assorted Plants - Freshwater $ 190.54
X10 Kuhlii Loach Sml 1" - 1 1/2" - Fish + x10 Assorted Plants Freshwater $ 157.53
X20 Blue Tetra + x10 Assorted Plants - Package $ 150.53
X6 Longfin Bristlenose Pleco Sm/Med 1" - 1 /2" Tank Cleaners! + x10 Assorted Plants - Free Shipping $ 138.53
X10 Florida Bristlenose Pleco Sm/Med 1" - 1 /2" Tank Cleaners! + x10 Assorted Plants Free Shipping $ 157.53
X200 Guppy Package Fish Live Tropical Community Mix + x10 Assorted Plants *Bulk Save $ 379.54
X25 Assorted Barb Fish *Bulk*- Live Freshwater Mixed Assortment + x10 Assorted Plants $ 167.53
X5 Discus Package 2" - 3" Each - Tank Raised - Assorted Picked - + x10 Assorted Plants -Bulk Save $ 297.54
X10 Jack Dempsey Cichlids Sml/Med Package + x10 Assorted Plants $ 150.53
X15 Males Neon Blue Guppy Package + x10 Assorted Plants $ 153.53
X10 Males / X10 Females - Blue Variegated Guppy Pair + x10 Assorted Plants - Fish Live $ 149.53
X10 Assorted Guppy Male / X10 Assorted Guppy Female + x10 Assorted Plants - Fish Live $ 165.53
X15 Male Assorted Swordtail Fish - 1" - 2" Each - Freshwater Fish + x10 Assorted Plants $ 139.53
X20 Assorted Swordtail Fish - 1" - 2" Each - Freshwater Fish + x10 Assorted Plants $ 150.53
X30 Assorted Danio Fish - Live Freshwater + x10 Assorted Plants $ 154.53