X1 Vlamingi Tang Sml/Med 1" - 2" - X1 Yellow Tang Sml/Med 1"-2"

*This package includes
x1 (One) Vlamingi Tang
x1 (One) Yellow Tang
Size : 6.5-7.5 inches
Care Level : Easy
Temperament : Peaceful
Reef Safe :
Diet : Greens, Pellet
Origin : Indian Ocean
Acclimation Time : 3+ hours
The Vlamingii Tang, also known as the Vlaming's Unicornfish, or Bignose Unicornfish, has a brown to purple body color when an adult. In the juvenile, The color graduates from lighter, dorsaly, to darker, ventrally. It has vertical markings on the body and blue highlights. The dorsal fin, anal fin, tail, and face are all sparingly detailed in a brilliant bright blue.
A 360 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room and places to hide. The aquarium should have a tight-fitting lid to prevent the fish from jumping out to escape. It is aggressive toward other Tangs, but peaceful with other fish, and will not harm sessile invertebrates within the reef aquarium.
The Vlamingi Tang not only changes its color as it grows, but also changes quickly and dramatically from pale to brilliant dark, depending on mood and environment. It is a hardy fish that makes it a very good choice for any beginner aquarist. The Vlamingi Tang is the most aggressive among this peaceful group, so it can survive well in a semi-aggressive tank. However, unless you have a big tank, it is best to keep only one naso tang in to a tank. The Vlamingi Tang is very active and needs an ample space to swim around along with other corals and rocks with crevices to hide and sleep in. Since it can topple corals while swimming about in fast clips, the Vlamingi Tang needs space to roam. In its juvenile stage, it helps in cleaning off the algae from the live rock surfaces, but as it grows it becomes carnivores. The Vlamingi Tang is a continuous feeder and needs to be provided with a proper diet. In feeding the Vlamingi Tang needs some algae matter, but as it grows it needs some meaty foods as well. Since it is susceptible to ailments like Lateral Line Disease (LLD), it is necessary to supplement their diet with food enriching with vitamin C. Also, you need to do vigorous filtration, protein skimming, and regular small water
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