
Adding natural structures such as driftwood to your aquarium requires some preparation and thought to bring out their best aesthetic qualities. Driftwood and other natural structures make up a large portion of your aquarium. Any adjustments needed can cause significant stress and in some cases require taking apart the aquarium and starting all over. Do it right the first time. With a bit of planning, you can have a beautifully aquascaped aquarium with minimal effort and disturbance.

Key Benefits
Naturally grown hardwood features a smooth surface, textured detail, and unique mottled color.

Exotic and all natural accent piece sinks in aquariums and looks great with other enclosure décor.

Adds interest and appeal and makes for an enriching environment for aquarium or terrarium pals.

Perfect accessory for aquariums or terrariums to complement any naturalistic look.
It contains no artificial colors or synthetic resins.