80+ Fish Package - Assorted Pleco - *Ultimate Tank Cleaner Package* Freshwater Fish Free Shipping *Bulk Save
$ 321.54

This Package will include:
x10 Colombian Spotted Pleco SM/MD
x10 Albino Chocolate Pleco SM/MD
x20 Albino Bristlenose Pleco Florida
x20 Plecostomus Florida SM/MD
x20 FLORIDA Bristlenose Pleco SM/MD
This package is perfect to fill you tank up will lots of movement. We will ship this package out in an oversized box.
If you need a large cleaning crew. This is the package for you.
This package can even be split umong your friends or local hobbyist.
Recommend Tank Size for this Package is 150 Gallon +
The Pleco is an unusual fish in body shape with its underslung suckermouth, tall dorsal fin and moon-shaped tail fin. It can also roll its eyes in there sockets, making it look like its winking. Its normal coloring is a light brown that is heavily patterned with dark blotches of stripes and spots, making it look like a very dark fish. There are also varieties of this species that are missing some or all of the dark patterning, so this fish is also available as an Albino Pleco.
The Common Pleco is typically purchased as a juvenile when it is about 3 inches (8 cm) in length, but this fish gets very large as an adult. It can reach about 24" (61 cm) in length, though they seldom exceed 12 - 15" (30.5 - 38 cm) in the aquarium. They are fast growing, and have an average lifespan of 10 - 15 years in captivity.
Juvenile Plecostomus are easy to care for. They are nocturnal, getting active and feeding at night. Some driftwood or other decor should be provided to give them caves to hide in during the daylight hours. They are also jumpers, so be sure to have a cover on the aquarium. Although Plecs are omnivorous, they primarily feed on algae in the aquarium.
This is a very friendly, good natured fish when young. Juvenile plecos will generally get along with most other tankmates, even Cichlids and other aggressive fish. One exception to this is they can get aggressive and territorial towards other plecos if they were not raised together. They will also defend their favorite spot from other types of fish with similar habitat requirements, like Rope Fish, some eels, and some knifefish.
There are a few words of caution when keeping these fish. They have been known to remove slime from laterally flattened fish like discus and angelfish when they are sleeping, and also goldfish. Even though they are herbivores they can get quite large and can become too big for small aquariums. As they mature they may also become more aggressive and are then best kept singly in a large tank.
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