Fish & Plant Packages

Fish & Live Plant Package. All packages in this category include hand-picked assorted live plants. Live aquarium plants will create MORE NATURAL LOOK in your fish tank, simultaneously providing MORE OXYGEN, BIOLOGICAL FILTRATION, ALGAE CONTROL and more!
Just like in nature, where many different species are coexisting, the most beautiful and natural looking freshwater tanks are those with different plant kinds. Make your new or established tank BEAUTIFUL RIGHT AWAY!
X15 Elegans Corydoras Catfish + x10 Assorted Plants $ 155.53
X2 Assorted Freshwater Eels - Med - Lrg Size + x10 Assorted Plants $ 150.53
X1 Strawberry Silver Arowana Sml/Med + X10 Cichlid + x10 Assorted Plants- Freshwater $ 212.54
X15 Assorted Glofish Live Fresh Water Glow Glo Fish + x10 Assorted Plants $ 143.54
X6 Assorted Bristlenose Pleco Fish - Plecostomus - Sml/Med + x10 Assorted Plants $ 155.53
X10 Assorted Jellybean Parrot Cichlid Fish + x10 Assorted Plants - Freshwater Live $ 215.54
X2 Purple King Kong Parrot Cichlid Lrg - 3"-4" + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants - Freshwater Fish $ 165.53
X6 Clown Loach Sml/Med 1" - 2 1/2" - Fish + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants $ 156.53
X50 African Cichlid Assorted Freshwater + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants $ 190.54
X25 African Cichlid Assorted Freshwater + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants $ 142.54
X15 Aulonocara Peacock Cichlid Assorted Freshwater + x10 Assorted Plants $ 185.54
X25 Assorted South American Cichlids Sml/Med + x10 Assorted Plants OUT OF STOCK
X20 Assorted Catfish Package + x10 Assorted Freshwater Plants $ 167.54