X5 Assorted Lionhead Gold Fish - Fresh Water Free Shipping
$ 117.53
They will be scooped out our holding tanks. We cannot guarantee we will be able to scoop ALL different types, but we will try to get a good variety.
This package is for x5 Lionhead Gold Fish Approx 2-3" EACH
The Lionhead Goldfish is by far the most popular and well known of the dorsal-less goldfish.The lack of a stabilizing dorsal fin is a trait that is also seen in the Bubble Eye and the Celestial Eye Goldfish. Unlike the Common Goldfish and the Shubunkins, which have a long, slender body, the Lionhead is also one of the more rounded or egg-shaped fancy goldfish.
Lionhead goldfish are among the most popular fancy goldfish because of their bright colors and the mane-like growths around their neck. However, these goldfish require more sensitive care than other fish species and a proper aquarium setup is vital to ensure lifelong health.
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Aquarium Setup
At minimum, young goldfish need at least one gallon of water per inch of fish. If you have three two-inch fish, this is six total inches and you need six gallons of water. However, as fish grow older, they need much more space than this and you should aim for 20 or so gallons of water per fish. Generally speaking, the larger the aquarium is, the healthier the fish will be. Lionhead goldfish need more oxygen than many other fish, so provide an air stone for proper oxygenation. Proper filtration will keep the tank clean, and you should change 10 percent of the water each week.
Lighting and Temperature
Without adequate lighting, goldfish lose their color. An aquarium hood is an ideal light source because it prevents fish from jumping out. Lionheads are large and fairly strong, and can jump out and suffocate. The aquarium temperature should be between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below 60 degrees or above 75 degrees can kill your goldfish, so carefully monitor temperature. You can elevate temperatures by using a heat light or aquarium heater. Lower temperatures by draining some water and adding cold water.
Lionheads, like most goldfish, are omnivorous scavengers, which means they will eat just about anything. They can survive on fish flakes alone, but for optimal health they need variety in their diets. Give your fish brine shrimp, small pieces of cooked meat such as chicken, and pieces of fruit and vegetables regularly. Avoid giving snack foods and lettuces, as these offer little nutritional value.
While most goldfish do well in tanks with plenty of decor, lionheads can easily snag their fins and manes on rough decorations. Ensure that aquarium ornaments are sanded down. Too many ornaments can decrease your fish's swimming space, so keep them to a minimum. Live plants are excellent decorations because they add oxygen to the tank. The fish do not need substrate, but brightly-colored aquarium gravel or river rocks provide an ideal substrate for planting plants and can help catch debris at the bottom of the tank.
This goldfish was bred in China to develop a "hood" that depicts the image of the mythical Chinese lion-dog. The distinctive raspberry or lion's mane appearance of the Chinese Lionhead Goldfish has led to its common name 'Lionhead' Goldfish. The amount of head growth differs for each individual fish. For some, the broad head, except for its eyes, mouth and nostrils, can become completely covered with the fleshy growth, which can sometimes even impede its vision. Other Lionhead Goldfish will develop hardly any head growth at all.
Lionheads have a double caudal (tail) fin and a double anal fin. This goldfish variety is very similar to the Ranchu Goldfish, a variant that was developed in Japan, though the Lionhead's back has a less curved shape. Also, its caudal fin is quite similar to that of the Fantail Goldfish, while the Ranchu has a tail fin that splays out to the sides and is often almost horizontal. Though pretty rare, there is also a long-finned Lionhead variety.
These goldfish are available in a variety of colors, including red, orange, chocolate, blue, and black. They can also be calico, bi-colored in red and white or red and black, or tri-colored in red, white, and black. A red-capped variety has a bright red head and white body.
Some colors of Lionhead Goldfish can sometimes be confused with the Oranda Goldfish. The photo on the right of a Redcap Oranda shows the distinctive differences between the two. The Oranda is quickly identified by its dorsal fin, which Lionheads do not have. The Lionhead also has higher arching on the back and more intense bubbly growth around the face.
The Lionhead Goldfish is considered a rather delicate fish and is not recommended for beginners. Its swimming ability is encumbered by its rounded body and further diminished by the lack of a stabilizing dorsal fin.
Many of the elongated goldfish varieties, such as the Common Goldfish, Comet Goldfish, and the Shubunkin, are not good companions for the Lionhead Goldfish because they are fast swimmers and too competitive during feeding time. Better tankmates would be the similarly handicapped but less hardy Water-Bubble Eye Goldfish, Telescope Goldfish, and Celestial Goldfish. It won't win any races, but if kept with other slow-moving varieties, the Lionhead Goldfish should get plenty to eat and do well.
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