x3 Package - Albino Gold Blushing Angel Sml 1"- 1 1/2" Each

This Package Includes x3 Fish.
Temperature: 70 to 85F
pH: 7.8 to 8.6
In the wild these cichlids live in swamps or flooded areas where the vegetation is dense. The water is either is either clear or silty, but their color is stronger in clearer waters. They feed on smaller fish and invertebrates as well as eating food particles in the water.
The Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare is a graceful disk shaped cichlid. Though it was named for the marine angelfish, it bears little resemblance to these fish or even to any other fish in the Cichlid family. This fish is rather diamond shaped or leaf-like in appearance. It has a rounded body that is greatly compressed laterally accented with long, triangular dorsal and anal fins. Its genus name Pterophyllum is very descriptive of its appearance as this term actually means "winged leaf". It is also known as the Silver Angelfish, Freshwater Angelfish, and Common Angelfish.
These are some of the most attractive fish and very popular with both the beginner and the long-time aquarists. In the wild they are found with black bars on a silver colored body. But there are also some mutations found in nature as well where these fish are without bars, are solid black, and have lace forms.
These are moderately sized cichlids that are very tall and extend to about 6 inches (15 cm) in length. The Veil varieties can be even taller due to their fins. They are moderate to care for but they do need enough room to accommodate their size and swim freely. A 30 gallon tank would be the suggested minimum, but if you are keeping a pair or keeping them in a community, the tank will need to be larger.
The Angelfish are considered a community fish, but they are cichlids. Consequently they may not be as sociable with smaller fish. They will school peacefully when they are young but tend to pair off and become more territorial when they are older. Being a bit timid, they can be frightened by shadows and fast movements. They will feel most at home and comfortable in a warmer aquarium that has hardy plants placed around the inside perimeter, has some rocks and roots for retreat, and has an open area in the center for swimming.
Since they are omnivorous, the Angelfish will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. They do best on a diet which contains plenty of protein, but variety is important. To keep a good balance give them a high quality flake food or pellet everyday. Feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen) or blood worms as a treat. You can even feed them lettuce or spinach. Feed mosquito larvae very sparingly as they will tend to over eat it. Overeating can result in a buildup of fats, which results in inactivity and could kill them.
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About Us: YourFishStore takes great pride and care in all livestock shipped out. We specialize in providing top quality cichlids and rare tropical fish to hobbyist across the country. We quarantine & treat all newly arrived fish and each fish is thoroughly inspected and spot fed to ensure they are actively eating and disease free.
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Shipping Method: All Fish Packages qualify for FREE Shipping with NO Minimum. FedEx Priority Overnight AM. We ship out all orders On Wednesday For Thursday Arrival.
Care and Packaging: Our primary concern is the health and safety of your fish. To achieve this standard, we professionally package all aquatic life in the best materials and use the most direct and reliable shipping method which is FedEx Priority Overnight AM.
Fish come from distributors who have already acclimated the fish to aquarium conditions after arrival from around the world. Fish are then hand-picked and prepared for shipment to you. Fish are packaged in properly conditioned saltwater with correct pH levels in heavy-duty poly bags to cushion and protect. Each bag is filled with oxygen for optimal conditions and secured by a professional bag sealing technology. The water and airtight bags are then housed in Styrofoam coolers along with a heat or ice pack, as seasonal conditions dictate.
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