X2 Six Line Wrasse - Pseudocheilinus Medium Approx 1" - 2" Each

Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 3.9"
Being a popular Wrasse species, the Sixline Wrasse certainly makes a tremendous addition to your home aquarium or fish tanks. The Sixline Wrasse is absolutely reef safe and has a blue body with six orange horizontal stripes racing from head to tail with a petite "false eye" at the base along with green tail fins. This false eye is structured to confuse predators and gives this intelligent fish a nice chance to escape. The Sixline Wrasse is mesmerizing which makes your aquarium captivating and beautiful to watch. It is a very active fish and loves to wander in the tank with curiosity. The Sixline Wrasse loves to spend most of its time swimming and darting in and out the rocky caves. Its active swimming style makes it as popular as its vibrant colored body. The Sixline Wrasse is very easy to maintain and does not need any kind of extra treatments or care. It even eats bristle worms and flat worms. The Sixline Wrasse has powerful jaws that enable them to crush their food, which includes worms. It is one of the tiny fish that buries itself in the sand while sleeping or during flight. The Sixline Wrasse can also be seen cleaning the fins and bodies of other fishes, picking off parasitic isopods and copepods. They are excellent hiders which makes it very difficult for a photographer to shoot their pictures. A distinctive feature of this fish is that it sleeps in a mucus cocoon by masking its scent, which protects it from predators. The Sixline Wrasse is mostly found in tropical marine waters of the Indo-West and Central Pacific including the Red Sea. They should be kept singly as it is not that social with co-Wrasse species, but they are absolutely reef safe.
Also known as the Sixline or Sixstripe Wrasse, Pseudocheilinus hexataenia is native to reefs of the Indo-Pacific and the coast of Fiji. Here, the Six Line Wrasse forages amongst corals and rocks for foods, mainly keeping to itself. In the home aquarium, the Six Line Wrasse requires a peaceful environment with a generous supply of hiding places and live rock on which they can forage for food. Here, the Six Line Wrasse will search for live foods in the form of small crustaceans such as pyramidellid snails (clam parasites), urchins, and commensal flatworms. The Six Line Wrasse is also known to feed on unwanted pests on live rock, such as bristleworms.
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