X2 (Pair) Blue Dot Jawfish Fish Med Live Colorful Saltwater Fish

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Can you email me when you get some more of the blue dot jawfish pairs. I am very interested in them. They are one of the most beautiful fish available. Dependent on the weather here in Michigan at the time of arrival at your facility. I might be better off to wait until the spring. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Hello, yes we should have about 12 arriving this week. Can you email us at Support@YourFishStore.com
Do I need to get on a waiting list for the bonded pair of bluedot jawfish? I am very interested in aquiring a pair
Hello, We should have some more in this December hopefully around the 20th
Hello inquiring to see if you have received more pairs of Bluedot jawfish? My previous inquiry you were all out at the time. Currently 7/30.
Hello, At the moment we are out of stock on Bluedot jawfish. Hopefully we have some more in this monday.
Hello I am interested in your bonded Bluedot jawfish. I would like a bonded pair around 31/2-4” if possible. Is that available? I have a 200 gallon reef tank that is covered and eager to find a suitable set for my tank.
Hello, Thank you for contacting YFS. At the moment we are out of stock but every Monday we have our new saltwater and freshwater arrivals. We should have more in this Monday. They are not technically bonded but just paired up.
Interested in Your blue spotted jawfish the "X2 (Pair) Blue Dot Jawfish Fish Med Live Colorful Saltwater Fish" curious if you could give me some more information concerning the specimens i.e. what their current diet is how long you have had them for and if at all possible current photos. Sorry to be so needy just don't want to waste time with a fatal transition. From your facility to mine
Hello, We feed the bluedot jawfish mysis shrimp. We have really good success with our blue dot jaw fish we ship out. We usually keep them for 2-3 months before we ship out so we ensure they are active and properly eating.