X15 Marigold Swordtail Fish - 1" - 2" Each - Freshwater Fish
$ 127.53

The Swordtail Xiphophorus hellerii is extremely popular. It is one of the prettiest aquariam fish and very hardy. In the wild, it has an olive green body with red and yellow along the sides and sometimes colorful speckles on its fins. With this coloration, it is most commonly called the Green Swordtail or the Red Swordtail. However, in captivity, it has been bred into the fabulous colors that make it so highly prized today.
The Green Swordtail is similar in shape to both the Platy fish and the Guppy. It has a bulkier body than either of those two, though, and also has a "sword" extending from the bottom of the male's tail fin. It is often thought to be named for the "sword" shaped extension of its tail fin, but the Swordtail was actually named for the sword-like appearance of the male's anal fin. This specialized anal fin develops as the male fish matures. The middle rays of the anal fin are modified into a narrow copulatory organ called a gonopodium.
Indeed, the beautiful male's "sword" tail is one of the most striking physical characteristics possible in any aquarium fish. Even though this dramatic tail fin has no apparent purpose, it accounts for anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of the total length of the fish! The wild species have an even more majestic tail, with swords up to 6 inches (15 cm) in length. The sword is shorter in tank-bred specimens but complemented by the wonderful colors that are now available.
The Swordtail comes in many different colors with the males being easily identified by their signature sword like tail. The Swordtail is an extremely hardy fish that can adapt to a wide range of water conditions.
They are livebearers which means that the baby fish come out free swimming. Like their livebearer counterpart, the guppy, the swordtail is a prolific breeder and a female will give birth about once every 28 days. If you are interested in breeding them, please check out the breeding livebearers page for more information.
Some hobbyists have reported problems with aggression among male swordtails when keeping multiples. It may be a good idea to limit the number of male swordtails in your tank. A good mix may be three females to one male.
They will eat most fish foods including flakes, frozen, freeze dried and live foods such as brine shrimp.
Like the Platy fish, Swordtails have been interbred to produce all kinds of interesting colors and different types of finnage. Some of the more common varieties of the Swordtail are Red, Red Wag, Red Tux, Painted, Neon Green, Marigold (and wag), Pineapple, Black, Red Twin bar, Sunset, and Gold Tuxedo.
Some other types of Swordtail fish that are occasionally available are the Montezuma Swordtail (Spotted Swordtail) Xiphophorus montezumae, Delicate Swordtail Xiphophorus cortezi, and Mountain Swordtail Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl. A couple of dwarf species, the Pygmy Swordtail Xiphophorus pygmaeus and Panuco Swordtail Xiphophorus nigrensis, are sometimes available. These dwarves are similar to the others but smaller and not quite as hardy.
Swordtail fish are not only pretty but easy to breed and fast-growing. They are quite hardy and thus make wonderful fish for the beginner. They are generally peaceful, lively fish that swim in loosely grouped schools and thrive in a community. They do best in a well-planted tank with lots of room to swim around. Provide floating plants to protect the young as the parents often eat their fry. Like all livebearers, they do like a bit of salt, though it is not necessary.
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