X10 Glass Cat Fish (Kryptopterus Vitreolus) Live Freshwater Tropical X-Ray Cat
$ 136.53

x10 GLASS CATFISH (Kryptopterus vitreolus) Live Freshwater Tropical x-ray cat
This package is for x10 Glass Catfish.
The Ghost Glass Cat is a unique fish that offers fish-keepers an incomparable view of its internal organs. Thanks to its low-pigment and almost clear body, the Ghost Glass Cat is like a living skeleton whose organs, including its swim bladder and vertebral column, are visible.
Ghost Glass Cats, also known as Indian Ghosts, Ghost Fish, Glass Catfish, or Glass Cats, are very peaceful, and a great community fish that will give their caretakers hours of enjoyment. Ghost or glass-like in appearance, the Ghost Glass Cat loves a low light condition and is most active during dawn and dusk. As a true schooling fish, it needs other Ghost Glass Cats in the aquarium in order to survive and thrive.
Ghost Glass Cats should be kept in groups of five or more to stay healthy and happy. If they are not kept in groups, they will often go into a state of stress, stop eating, and waste away. The Ghost Glass Cat does not like a lot of light and in brightly illuminated aquariums, it will usually hide from the light. However, they will come into the open and swim around in darkness or low light conditions. Ghost Glass Cats should be kept in aquariums with plenty of rocky coves and hiding places, as well as dense, live vegetation.
It is extremely rare and difficult to breed Ghost Glass Cats in captivity. No techniques have been discovered to breed them in an aquarium. It is generally believed that Glass Catfish lay and scatter their eggs.
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