Powder Blue Tang - Med/Lrg 3" - 4" - Leucosternon- Fish Free Shipping
$ 185.54

Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size:11"
The Powder Blue Tang Acanthurus leucosternon is a reef safe fish also known as Powder Blue Surgeonfish. It has a light blue oval shaped body highlighted with bright yellow & white colors in its dorsal and pectoral fins, black face with white markings, and large eyes. Powder Blue Tang has a scalpel at the base of their tailfin which is very sharp and is used by the fish for protection from predators as well as a way of establishing itself with other saltwater fish. Powder Blue Tang Care: It is a fast-swimming vigorous fish that needs plenty of room so it would be recommended to keep in aquariums of 90 gallons or more with hiding places like live rock. The Powder Blue Tang like most all other surgeonfish are herbivore and marine seaweed and algaes should be part of their diet. The Powder Blue Tang is known to be an ich or white spot magnet and therefore proper acclimation and quarantine should be done in order to minimize this. The Powder Blue Tang will be aggressive toward other surgeonfish of similar color or body shape and it would be recommended to keep only one per saltwater aquarium. Once properly established the Powder Blue Tang will do great in a reef tank or fish only aquarium set up. The Powder Blue Tang is very sensitive to organic chemicals, such as nitrates, ammonia and nitrite and we suggest you to keep the levels of these chemicals very low in the aquarium having this fish. It thrives well in a temperature and pH range of 80-84 degrees F and 8.2-8.4 respectively. It is little difficult to handle this fish and thereby is recommended only for expert aquarists. Adjusting in a fish tank can be hard for the Powder Blue Tang fish, but does well once it is established.
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