Blue Dot Jawfish Fish Med Live Colorful Saltwater Fish

Blue Dot Jawfish MED Live Colorful Saltwater Fish - Yourfish store
*Tank Raised *Free Shipping *Premier Breeders *Healthy & Eating Aggressive
All live stock is shipped FEDEX PRIORITY OVERNIGHT by 10:30am in most areas (USA only). All shipment include Styrofoam for insulation and heat/cold pack to guarantee live delivery.
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025, KH 8-12
Max. Size: 3½"
Color Form: Blue, Orange
Diet: Carnivore
An incredible colorful fish to keep in any peaceful environment. The slender Blue Spotted Jawfish will move sand from the substrate and dig a burrowing hole to live within. Often times this fish will use a shell as it's door to the hole. Their head will pop out of their hole looking for food and predators. Upon seeing food they will float out of their hole in a standing motion to grab the food and then rush back into their home.Their body has blue spots on top of the orange body and head. They have large eyes giving them an "alien" appearance. More than one can be kept per tank. These fish are also jumpers, so precautions should be taken to secure openings at the top of the aquarium.Gobies compose one of the largest family of fish in the ocean. These small fish live around reefs or on sandy flats. Many of the Gobies are known for their burrowing behavior. These fish use burrows in the sand for safety. Some of the Goby species are known to share their burrows with Pistol Shrimp; behavior that can be duplicated in the home aquarium. Most Gobies have cupped ventral fins that nearly join just below their gill plates that serve as perching mechanisms so the Goby can always be on the lookout in a resting position. The Goby is a tremendous addition to the home aquarium.
The Blue Dot Jawfish, also known as the Bluespotted Jawfish, was first discovered in the Tropical Eastern Pacific in 1991 by Allen and Robertson. Its head and body are orange with irregular-shaped blue spots.
It should be kept in a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with docile tank mates and at least 3 inches of mixed substrate for burrowing. These fish are very aggressive towards others of their own species, so only one specimen, or a mated pair, should be kept per tank. The Blue Dot Jawfish is known to be a jumper, so it is best kept in an aquarium with a tight-fitting lid to prevent escape.
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Do you plan on getting in any blue spotted jaw fish?
Hello, We will have some Blue spotted jaw fish in next thursday.