Assorted Snail Package *FREE SHIPPING

Assorted Snail Package *FREE SHIPPING
Mix Package may contain any of the below snails:
Astrea Snail - Astraea caelata
Bumblebee Snail - Engina mendicaria
Cerith Snail - Cerithium
Conch: Fighting - Strombus alatus
Margarita Snail - Margarites pupillus
Nassarius Snail: Pacific Lg - Nassarius spp
Zebra Turbo Snail
Nerite Snail
About Snails
Water Chemistry
Turbo snails require the same conditions as fish in a reef aquarium. They require a tropical temperature between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, the water must have a specific gravity of 1.020 and 1.024. The pH may range between 8.0 and 8.4. Like many saltwater invertebrates, turbo snails do not tolerate ammonia, nitrites or nitrates well. Like corals, turbo snails require supplemental calcium in their water. Turbo snails need this calcium since they extract this element from the water to make their shells.
Most people get turbo snails to help control algae. Only put turbo snails in aquariums with lots of live rock with light algae growth for them to eat. If they exhaust their supply of algae, you will need to provide supplemental foods. You can wedge dried seaweed between pieces of live rock to provide your snails with extra food. You can purchase such seaweed at pet shops that carry saltwater fish.
As reef-safe invertebrates, turbo snails will not harm other invertebrates, nor will they harm fish. However, other organisms -- some reef-safe -- may harm turbo snails. Turbo snails cannot share a tank with grazing fish like tangs. These vegetarians will eat food more quickly than the snails, even with supplemental feeding. This leaves the snails to starve. You must also take care to avoid predatory fish like triggerfish, which specialize in eating hard-shelled invertebrates.

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