Classification of Saltwater Fish Species

Feeding Categories

3 Classification of Saltwater Fish Species:


    • Herbivore

Herbivores feed on plant materials. Some examples are surgeonfish and parrotfish.

Large quantities of algae are consumed in their natural habitat.

You can also substitute their diet with household vegetables, like lettuce or spinach.

Make sure you wash any fresh foods from the market before adding hem to your aquarium.

They have long intestinal track which allows them linger time to digest food.


    • Carnivore

Carnivores are fish and invertebrates that are predators.

They feed on other fishes, invertebrates or both.

Examples of carnivores are hawk fishes, gobies, eels and sharks.

They eat a variety of animals ranging from tiny plankton to large species of fish.

On the contrary to herbivores, they have shorter intestines for digesting foods.


    • Omnivore

Omnivores feed on a variety of both plant and animals. They have no specific dietary needs. Majority of the saltwater fish belongs to this category.

They have developed an intestinal track that is suited to digest a selection of foods.

Many invertebrates are omnivorous as well and will find organic matter and algae from the substrate.

As a beginner hobbyist, don’t worry about special feeding strategies when when setting up your aquarium for the first time.

These fish will eat commercially prepared fake and pellet foods. But you should also provide a variety of foods which is necessary to meet their food requirements.

At the end of this all, always remember that by feeding them different types of food that the saltwater fish requires, they are more likely to obtain all the requirements of their nutrition.